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Linda M. English lives in New London, Connecticut.

She has published a short story in, an online young adult publication started by Jennifer Niven, New York Times bestselling author of All The Bright Places. Linda has also published an academic piece in the Institute of Business Forecasting.

Linda’s memoir, CAPTAIN, was submitted and accepted into The Writer’s Hotel 2017 workshop in NYC, followed by a reading of the first chapter at the Cornelia Café.

Her various essays have been shared at workshops led by Cheryl Strayed, Robin Black, Mira Bartok, Paula Darrow, Amy Ferris, Beth Bornstein, Karen Karbo, Said Sayrafiezadeh, and Edward Vilga. Each one of these writing workshops has been instrumental in her development of CAPTAIN.

In addition to holding a B.A. in Anthropology from Central Connecticut State University, and an M.B.A. from the University of New Haven, she is the moderator for the Shoreline Writers Group in Connecticut.

Writing inspiration abounds from her love of dogs which she highlights on her New London Pet Talk Show featured on YouTube. A connection to a Yupik Eskimo village in remote Alaska has inspired her to create stories of this culture.